
Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) is an application that integrates a company's various departments and functions into a single collaborative working environment or single system so that information can be shared and can serve the particular needs of different departments. Typical modules in ERP include financial management, procurement and human resources. These modules are flexible enough for customers to install selected modules or the entire ERP package.

Lenovo PCCW Solutions has over 700 ERP specific professionals, one of the largest ERP teams in the industry, allowing it to service large scale projects such as the nationwide ERP implementation across 31 provinces in the mainland China.

Unique Competitive Edge

Very often customers tend to underestimate the complications involved in ERP implementation. The software is less important than the changes in ways companies do business and people do their jobs. This kind of change is not always easy to deal with. To smoothen the transition, you need a service provider with both user and implementer experience. PCCW has been an ERP user for years. We have achieved quantifiable gains in deploying ERP. We can confidently provide consultancy on business-process changes and user training to execute the real transformational ERP effects. We understand the process and possible difficulties during the implementation process. We are proud to offer our vast hands-on experience both as an ERP user and a system integrator to help customers align to the best practises. We have expertise in managing complicated projects and have successfully implemented ERP for China Mobile, China Unicom, Hong Kong SAR Housing Authority, CSL, Bossini, The Hong Kong Council of Social Services, Po Leung Kuk, and many more.


  • Connect and automate the entire flow of business processes across both front and back office operations, throughout locations
  • Streamline functional areas via automation
  • Use a single, unified data schema to store information for all applications
  • Support multiple languages and global business practises
  • Configurable with workflow engines to minimise customisation efforts while catering for customers' functional procedures
  • Open standards and modular systems allow housing of data for third-party, custom, and industry-specific applications

Customer benefits

ERP is often regarded as back office software as it strives to automate steps in the business process. Typical benefits of ERP implementation include:

  • Creation of a single version of information across functional areas. Management can get a good understanding of the financial position and performance metrics to make informed decisions
  • Complete set of business applications that run entirely on the Internet. It is web-enabled for real time, consistent and accurate data access from a single database anytime and anywhere
  • Productivity improvement and administrative cost savings via self-service made available to employees through systematic workflow
  • Reduction in IT costs when the application is designed for integration with different modules and legacy systems

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