By eliminating the need to input data manually and making production faster and more visible, the new RFID system has increased the workflow efficiency, reduced the record discrepancy, and created record for product historical analysis.
Management can now get real-time information of the production lines, such as what product is undergoing electroplating, how long it spends in the electrolyte tank, and when the process completes. The company also uses the data for business analytics to better understand what kinds of conditions may lead to improperly plated products or when production errors are most often occurring.
This project has won the Hong Kong Internet of Things (IoT) Awards - bronze awards in “RFID Application Innovation” and “RFID Implementation” , and has been published in RFID Journal Magazine and Communication Association of Hong Kong's "2015 Official Guide to ICT Industry in Hong Kong".The company plans to install the RFID technology at more of its production lines.